
Sprinkle #22-The little things cont'd

So I  have been doing several little things throughout the city, things that I just happen to run into in my everyday life. So here are a couple of them:

- One of the best things to do in Calgary on a hot summer day is to float on of the rivers. We usually float the Elbow because it is easy and chill. We always make sure to bring an extra grocery bag to pick up garbage or bottles that others have left behind. Usually we don't see too many but the other day we got off at our finishing point and I could not believe the amount of garbage, popped rafts etc left in the trees. So we picked up as much as we could and threw it in the garbage. It is stuff like that, that will get floating banned forever and that would be very unfortunate. To those that are going rafting this summer, bring a garbage bag with you and try and counteract all the idiots who are leaving their rafts behind.

-Trent and I were going to Canadian Tire to look at some new rafts for the summer and on our way in there was an elderly lady pushing a shopping cart full of potting soil. She had it put on the cart very oddly so it ended up tipping over and she was not strong enough to correct it. So Trent and I helped pick up the cart and the soil as well as her purse and helped her on her way.

Like I said in the previous post, it is the little things that make a city great!


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