
Sprinkle #21 The Little Things

So I have been busy as a bee, not only at work but with wedding stuff, going to weddings and Stampeding! But I have been sprinkling here and there.

The most recent Sprinkle was this: I got home from eating out and it was pouring rain, I noticed our neighbors were not home and their down spouts were up and there was a huge puddle accumulating near their basement window so I ran over and put it down to avoid a potentially flooded basement!

I also would like to highlight 2 amazing websites that I really love!

1. People For Good.ca or like their Facebook page! They are all about people doing good in the world

2. The company I work for (Mosaic) has been doing this amazing initiative called 2500 acts of caring to celebrate 25 years of business all Mosaic employees have been submitting acts of caring to try and reach 2500 in a certain amount of time. Please check this out for some really cool acts of kindness http://2500acts.mosaic.com/

What will be your next act of kindness?

-Nicky @nickydundas on Twitter The Happy Sprinkle Group on Facebook nicole.dundas@hotmail.com

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