So over the long weekend a bunch of friends and I went floating down the Highwood river just south of Calgary. It is a beautiful float but again people are leaving their old rafts, beer cans, garbage etc on the sides of the river and in the river. NOT COOL! I was so frustrated by all of it because there is nothing better than a float down the river on a hot day in Calgary and soon we will be banned from all of the rivers because we are being selfish and leaving so much waste behind...If you brought it with you, you can take it home!!
Another interesting video/movement came to my attention today from a co-worker (Thanks Grace!) called Start Something That Matters, just a simple concept started by a ground breaking entrepreneur Blake Mycoskie who founded TOM shoes. The idea is one for one, you buy a pair of shoes and then in turn a pair is donated to children in need, he also recently started TOM eye wear and he gives eye wear, eye surgery etc to children in need as well. His new book "Start Something That Matters" looks like an amazing read and I am going to purchase it soon, with every book sold he donates a children's book to children in need...what a simple way of giving back and really what I have been trying to do as well. Pay it forward because if everyone pays it forward those small acts can become really big!
You can check out more information here:
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