Today I want to talk about all of these crazy natural disasters happening in our province, country and the continent. The big one today was the devastating fires in Slave Lake. I cannot imagine what it would be like to wake up one day and everything you have worked so hard for is all gone. The size and destruction of the fire is so sad. The fact that almost a whole town is gone in less than two days just boggles my mind. There are fires devastating other parts of the province as well.
I googled and researched how people were giving back and out of all the pages the one that affected me the most was the story of a little boy in Edmonton who went up to his room grabbed some of his toys brought them to his mom and said "Mom this is for the little boy who doesn't have any toys anymore"- wow that made me tear up! What a simple act but would really mean something to someone who has just lost everything.
So here is what we can do: You can text 'REDCROSS' to 30333 through Telus and donate $5 to the Red Cross, you can also donate clothing, hygiene items, anything really to the Grace Baptist Church in Airdrie or you can google it and find out where your community is taking donations. Imagine having lost everything and how much just a small donation would mean to those people. I have a big bag of clothes that I plan on giving as well as I texted the $5 donation to the Red Cross. Challenge: to help fellow Albertans through this horrible time and really come together as a province.
If you pay this forward please email me or join my Facebook group The Happy Sprinkle or Tweet Me @nickydundas
Hoping to see some Alberta love, Nicky
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